Pricing and Features

Get started free, no credit card required

Free Forever
  • Free forever plan includes all the features.
    So you can keep using it with full features as long as you want at no cost.
  • $0/Mo
  • Unlimited surveys, forms
  • Unlimited team members
    Share access with unlimited free users to collaborate and work together as team
  • 30 responses/month
  • 300 views/month
  • +All features

  • You’re Saving $24 by getting 2 months free with annually prepay
  • $10/Mo
  • Billed yearly at $144 $120/Yr
  • Unlimited surveys, forms
  • Unlimited team members
    Share access with unlimited users to collaborate and work together as team
  • 1,000 responses/month
  • + All features
  • You’re Saving $72 by getting 2 months free with annually prepay
  • $30/Mo
  • Billed yearly at $432 $360/Yr
  • Unlimited surveys, forms
  • Unlimited team members
    Share access with unlimited users to collaborate and work together as team
  • 10,000 responses/month
  • + All features
  • You’re Saving $120 by getting 2 months free with annually prepay
  • $50/Mo
  • Billed yearly at $720 $600/Yr
  • Unlimited surveys, forms
  • Unlimited team members
    Share access with unlimited users to collaborate and work together as team
  • 25,000 responses/month
  • + All features
On-Premise Edition
  • You’re Saving $144 by getting 2 months free with annually prepay
  • $60/Mo
  • Billed yearly at $864 $720/Yr
  • Cloud server
    Resources cost are applying
  • Self-hosting
  • Custom domain
  • White label software
  • Software installation
  • Software maintenance
  • 100% data control
  • Unlimited everything
  • Extensible source code
  • Source code access

All plans include same features

We offer one free plan and several paid plans with same features of platefrom.

  • All features

  • General
  • Themes
    Survey and forms support a super large variety of screen types and devices.
  • Personalize Themes
    Feel free to customize the themes and make them look the way you want them to.
  • RTL Support
    We support RTL language such as hebrew, arabic, persian, urdu, etc.
  • Drag & Drop Builder
    You can easily add questions and fields by simple drag and drop.
  • Multilingual Support
    Easily create a survey and form, which supports multiple languages.
  • Advanced Features
    Usu nulla dissentias at asvini. Nam ei facer probatus.
  • Custom Data Validation
    So useful to validate any data like coupons, license keys, ids, specific values, etc.
  • Import Submissions
    Bulk import your CSV spreadsheet in minutes.
  • Limit Choices
    Limit how many times each choice on a choice-based field may be selected.
  • EU VAT
    To make sure form meets the european vat regulations.
  • Facebook Login
    Allow your user to login and collect his facebook profile information.
  • Google Places Autocomplete
    Fast and easy-to-use address autocompletion with google places API.
  • Custom Design (CSS)
    Change the style of your platform with custom css , change locations color and size etc.
  • File Uploads
    Easily collect files as part of your form entries.
  • Multi-Page Forms
    Get more responses to your complex surveys and long forms with page breaks, progress bars and conditional pages.
  • Rating Scales
    Net Promoter Score Field (NPS) – helps you collect direct customer feedback in rating scale.
  • Net Promoter Score
    Get feedback on your forms with customizable rating scales.
  • Electronic Signatures
    Collect signatures on any device.
  • Formulas
    Add formulas that use figures entered in other fields.
  • Calculations
    Calculate values based on the options that the responded sellected.
  • Skip Logic (Logic Jump)
    Control what fields and when user see with conditional logic builder.
  • Limits
    Set limits on forms.
  • Mandatory Questions
    Marking required fields in survey and forms.
  • Export as PDF
    Easily convert your online form data to pdf files that you can download.
  • Custom Thank You Pages
    A thank you page is the final page your visitors see after submitting a form.
  • Publishing
  • Direct Link
    Share direct link to the form page.
  • Embed Code
    A short code usually in html language easy to include into a any website.
  • Custom Form Links
    Create unique URL for you online survey and form.
  • Pop-Up Surveys
    Share popup surveys for collecting more feedback.
  • QR Code
    Generate and share QR code.
  • Increase Scalability
  • Salesforce
    Build forms for salesforce and captures leads.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
    Captures leads, contacts and oportunities from your forms.
  • Insightly CRM
    Captures leads, contacts and oportunities from your forms.
  • Google Sheets
    Save form entries in google sheets.
  • Mailchimp Signup Forms
    Allows you to create signup forms, grow your subscriber list.
  • Aweber Signup Forms
    Build your segmented contact list on aweber.
  • Active Campaign
    Captures leads, contacts and oportunities from your forms.
  • Campaign Monitor
    Captures leads, contacts and oportunities from your forms.
  • Sendinblue
    Automate your email efforts and grow your subscriber lists.
  • Exporting
    Easily export all collected data or selected form entries to excel.
  • Security & Compliance
  • Field Encryption
    Encrypt personal, private or sensitive data.
  • Data Encryption
    Protects fields containing sensitive information.
  • HIPAA Compliance
    Create medical and healthcare related forms that comply with HIPAA regulations.
  • Spam-Bot Protection
    Protect your survey and from from spammers.
  • Secure Surveys With Password
    The surveys that can be answered only after adding code or password.
  • Secure Surveys (SSL/HTTPS)
    A secure connection to the server for your respondents.
  • Access Restriction by IP
    IP based access restriction allows to control access to the respondents based on IP address.
  • MySQL
    Connect to your own database and store your entries without a single line of code.
  • Notifications
  • Conditional Emails
    Send emails based on pre-defined conditions.
  • Twilio SMS Notifications
    Send SMS notifications with conditional logic.
  • Nexmo SMS Notifications
    Send SMS notifications with conditional logic.
  • Plivo SMS Notifications
    Send SMS notifications with conditional logic.
  • Multiple Email Notifications
    Send email notifications to different recipients.
  • API Integration
  • API Access
    You can utilize the rest API to fetch live data from your surveys.
  • JSON Webhooks
    Easily send form submission data to other systems and applications using the common JSON data interchange format.
  • Zapier
    Easily integrate apps to streamline workflows and create business automation tools using cognito forms and zapier.
  • Accept Online Payment
  • Stripe Payments
    Get paid faster by stripe order forms.
  • Paypal Payments
    Accept paypal payments and process credit cards on your order forms.
  • Paypal Invoicing
    Send invoices to your customers automatically.
  • Braintree Payments
    Accept credit card payments using braintree payments.
  • Adyen Payment Forms
    Accept credit card payments using adyen payments.
  • Teamwork
  • Number Of Users
    Supporting multiple users.
  • User Roles Management
    Assign different role and permission to team members.
  • Reports and Analytics
  • Real-Time Results
  • Advanced Filters
  • Google Analytics
  • Export Results (Excel, CSV)
  • Print Reports
  • View Respondent’s IP
  • Download Report ss PDF
  • View Responses and Reports

  • Free

  • Basic

  • Professional

  • Advanced

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about pricing and features.

Yes. Your data is securely stored via Amazon in the U.S.A, which is GDPR compliant. SurveyAndForm submissions are secured using TLS 1.2 SSL from the submitter’s browser through to our servers, and forms and submissions are encrypted at rest. our servers are protected by AWS WAF(Web Application Firewall).

Yes. Payments are available across all pricing plans for you to sell your products or services. Our payments are powered by Stripe, Adyen, Braintree and PayPal.

Yes. If you work for an NPO or charity.

Sure. We’re always open to hearing ways you think we can improve and evolve. To make a request, contact us.

A response limit is the number of responses that you can collect on your account per month, across all typeforms.

Single response is a single complted survey or submited form by a single respondent.

Yes. When you purchase an subscription from our official website, you can request a refund within 14 days without giving an explanation.

You will downgrade to the Free plan . In most cases, canceling auto-renew before the end of your subscription means you’ll have access to paid features until the end of your subscription term.

After that your account’s plan becomes Free. All your forms and responses will remain available in your account, you can use all feateus with limited number of responses.

We use Stripe payment processing to accept payments and collect monthly and yearly subscription fees. Stripe meets the highest level of PCI compliance: your personal and payment data are well protected when you make payments with Stripe.

The features and benefits are the same. If you purchase an annual subscription, you’re paying for 10 moths chares and getting 2 months free.

Yes, you can. We calculate (till end of running moth) partial refunds individually. Please contact our support team to get the refund.

No, All plans including free plan have no limit on team members, its unlimited for every plan

All plan members share resoreces with any plan member.

Please contact us if you have any other questions or concerns. We’re here to help!

In some cases, the company retains the right to modify the Refund and Cancellation Policy without notice. We also remain entitled to refuse support services to any customer or even discontinue their license, if they happen to breach any of our Terms of Use policy provisions.

We don’t offer trial plan. we offer free plan includes all the featuers.
